Monday, 17 September 2012

Maths groupwork 2

Mutually exclusive are when 2 factors happens at a time but not simultaneously.For example when a person flips a coin,the results will be either heads or tails but not both,taking in account that it will not land in the center.Since it lands on heads,it cannot be tails.Another example is "it rained on Tuesday" and "it did not rain on Tuesday" are mutually exclusive events.


  1. Maybe you could add some of your own examples and explanations so that we can understand it clearer.

  2. You could explain how the formula is formed and why it is so. Does this formula only apply to Mutually exclusive problems?

  3. There should be some explanations and examples given so that it makes it much more easier to understand when you read it.

  4. You should give an example on when is it not mutually exclusive

  5. It would be good if there is some elaboration on mutually exclusive.

  6. Maybe the team can explain what is mutually exclusive events. You can also give some of your own examples to further illustrate what mutually exclusive problems are.

  7. They could have explained what s mutually exclusive and how this example is considered as mutually exclusive.

  8. You could elaborate more on the formula instead of just showing it

  9. Can this formula be applied elsewhere?

  10. You could say what your group is doing and explain how the questions in the worksheet relate to mutually exclusive events.

  11. Chin Wai Kit9/18/2012 10:34 am

    It would be better if the formula were more elaborate, and more examples that can be used in real life.

  12. There should be more elaboration of your explanation

  13. You could write brief explanations for the equations.

  14. It would be better if there was an elaboration on the general formula in addition to an example of the formula being used. More example questions and situations would be helpful.

  15. You could have elaborated on how the formula can be applied in situations other than this.

  16. There should be some examples of scenarios that cannot be listed as mutually exclusive so that we have a better understanding of the terms.
